Saturday, January 11, 2025
Subject:  How to make money in website hosting/reseller business, Also how you too can build dynamic websites and use SEO tactics to get 1st page ranking in major search engines
Learn My Jealously Guarded Secrets On How To Build Dynamic Website To Generate More Traffic to Your Website In Order To Make More Money And How To Start A Website Hosting/Reseller Business
Dear Success minded online entrepreneur,

Here is a once in a life time opportunity to have a one on one training with me in my very high Returns On Investment (ROI) ecurrency trading training at any mutually convenient time and date in this month (only) in my office.  IT IS 99% LOSS PROOF!

To enjoy this benefit all you have to do is for you and I to mutually agree on date and time you want your training, make your payment into our bankaccount and make yourself available on the agreed date and time.

During this training you will have the opportunity to pound me hard, with hard to answer questions and obtain from me my closely guarded secrets that I have been using to chunk in millions of Naira every year in ecurrency trading.

During this training, you will discover and practically learn:
see some of the things that I will be teaching.

* What changes you need to make to your website in order to outrank your competition, getting you a #1 search engine ranking.
*You'll be able to legally and ethically see things about your competition that, until now, only Google knows!
* You can then take those things and improve upon them to outrank your competition!
* The secret tool that tens of thousands of the top ranked Google sites have been quietly using for yearsHow to attract targetted prospects to your website via google adword.
* How to make FREE classified ads in major Nigerian newspapers websites. You'll learn extremely intimate details about your competition and why they're ranking highly. Things that are critically important to know, to outrank tham. You'll instantly see things like who's linking to them, why they're link to them. Are they buying links, trading links, or both? Plus much more!
* How to attract FREEE targeted traffic to your business to make obscene profits (know this secret and you will never be broke again) remember more traffic more business, no traffic no business.
* Step by step guide on how you too can make easy money right here in Nigeria
* Have access to my jealously guarded mo.ney making secrets

I will only be teaching you what I know and what I do to make money and not theories like what the others teach. I will be teaching what the successful online marketers do and NOT what they say.

Got questions?, see the Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I come with my internet ready laptop
A. Yes, please come with your internet enabled laptop. You may also come with your company profile that would be used to build you a live website.

Q. Can I make payment on the date of the training?
A. No, payments are expected to be made at most 2 days before the date of the mutually agreed training to make it a confirmed appointment.

Q. Can I bring cash to your office?
A. No, all payments must be made into our bank account name/no. t
o be given when you send an SMS with your Name, Email, GSM No, Code: “3in1 Seminar” + Date you are making payment to telephone no 08097015999 thereafter our bank payment details would be sent to you.  Please bring your payment teller on the date of the training.

Q. How much do I pay?
A. Averagely, I charge a minimum of N55,000 for my one on one training but due to the economic downturn and moreso at this time of year I would charge a token of N50,000 only (not negotiable).

Ordinarily if you attend each of this courses individually you would have to pay N20,000 for ecurrency trading + N25,000 for website  + N10,000 for more traffic totaling N55,000.

Click here to see our e-currency tradiing seminar fee
Click here to see our website design training seminar fee

Q. How long is the training?
A. The training is just for a day and it last between 3 to 5 hours.  No stories all practicals

Q. Would I catch up/understand the business within this short hours?
A. Absolutely yes, remember it is a 99% practical training, not just that you will be giving my detailed seminar manual on CD for further help. Outside this we have verifiable past participants to confirm our claims.

Q. Is the training available all year round?
A. No, the one on one ecurrency trading training for N20,000 is only available for this month and any other selected month(s) at our discretion.

Q. What is the scope of this training?
A. This training is limited to ecurrency trading, website design training, traffic generation and any other useful online information.

Q. What tools I am going to receive when I come for my training?
A. You will receive a CD containing my ecurrency training manual
2. The full version of my professional magic web page creator software and my over 50 javascript codes - this is useful for  buiding your website. (This is a product that I have made tons of mo.ney with in recent past)
3. Comprehensive manual on SEO - traffic management skills and others as shown here

Q. Where is your office?
A. Our office is at P.C. Controllers Ltd 7 Yinusa Adeniji Street, Behind Unity road, Ikeja, Lagos.

Q. Can I call the office?
A. Yes, you can call the office. You may also call me on 08097015999 (serious enquiries only, no seminar before the seminar, no Q & A session).

Q. How much money do I require to start trading with after my training?
A. Sincerely it may be difficult to put a fixed amount due to various unknown factors about you (the trainee) because cost is relative, nevertheless it may be advised that you have upto 100usd or more to start.

Q. Do I have a money back guarantee on this training?
A. Yes, you have my 30 days money back that if you attend this training and do what you are taught that you will make money or your money back.
Read more

If you want to be relevant in today's business age.  Cancel or postpone every pre-planned appointments, even your own ceremony to attend this training.  Do everything legally possible to attend this training including disposal of your unused personal asset to raise money.

Don't lose any more sales... make informed decision NOW and attend my seminar, and I will put you on the fast track to success.

If you are really serious about making good mo.ney this year, then you should register your interest NOW before I am fully booked.  Please note, thousand others are alsoreading this write up. 


Olayinka Abiodun

PS Remember every success in life is traceable to a discovered secret. You are backed up with my over 20 years of business experiential wisdom and 30 days money back.

PPS By the time I am done with you, your friends and neighbours would almost swear that you have become a drug baron or an armed robber, your bank manager would specially visit you for a chat about the recent rise in your cash inflow.

PPPS Please don't attend this training if you're looking for another "get rich quick" scheme.
Note: Before you begin, if you're NOT 100% serious about getting your website to the top of Google and the other major search engines, DO NOT read another word. Only read on if you plan to put into action, everything that you will be taught at the seminar.
Great New Discovery Helps You Can Build A Dynamic Website Targeted At Generating More Traffic. Also How You Can Start A Website Hosting Business.

Attend My 3 in 1, Dynamic Website + SEO Practical Seminar + Website Hosting/Reseller Business Or E-Currency Trading Business For 2 days and Discover How To Make 99% LOSS PROOF Unlimited Profits Within Weeks -  Guaranteed
One on One Training opportunity to sit side by side and
Abundance In A Hostile Economy Empowerment Seminar
Learn how to :
* Be RECESSION PROOF at any time of recession.
* Turn your recession into prosperity.
* Be healthy and wealthy in time of recession.
* Amongst several others
Date : This Monday or As Desired Time : 10am
Venue : 21/23 Aromire Avenue Ikeja, Lagos
Fee : Absolutely FREE
To register/attend send your NAME, STATE (eg Ikeja Lagos) and BEST EMAIL ADDRESS to WHATSAPP NO 08097015999
Click here to join/become a Forever Business Owner
CAVEAT EMPTOR - BEWARE OF FRAUDSTERS cloning popular websites like ours and who engage in other similar activities to perpetuate fraud.  Please ensure you call, make due diligence search/enquiries, physically visit our office if you are in doubt or suspicious of fraud before you transact with us or any other.  We are not financially liable for any loss(es) incurred as a result of your negligence.
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* In this global financial crisis, what business can I do without stress?
* How do I build a dynamic website solely by myself?
* How do I get more targeted traffic to my website and how do I make money thereby?
* How do my website appear on the 1st page of google?