Dear online entrepreneur,
Firstly let me tell you a honest truth, no one can guarantee you a constant top 10 rankings on google except for google's engineers. Many people may tell you that it is not possible to guarantee top 10 rankings on Google. That may be correct. So what am I talking about? What I am simply saying is to reveal to you SEO tactics to get you a 1st page ranking on major search engines. You may ask what is SEO?, SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimisation, it is process of improving the volume of quality of traffic to a website from search engine via "natural" ("Organic" or "algorithmic") search results. SEO means making a web page as highly visible as possible to search engines... for a given keyword. Simply put SEO is the process of driving organic traffic from search engines to a website.
You may say what is the big deal about getting listed on google or about getting targeted traffic to my website. I want you to know that Over 80% of all organic traffic comes from the search engines and without targeted traffic to your website you will make no sale and without sale you make no money which will eventually force you out of business. Just as the Sales Department is the lifeblood of a business so is Traffic the lifeblood of your webpage and online business. Moreso your competitors may just be getting your intended customers with less efforts.
Traffic is often referred to as the "blood" that pumps through your online business, it keeps it flourishing, functioning and profitable. Without traffic, your website will be Totally LOST, unfound, in the world wide web. Without traffic, no matter how good your product is, you won't make any sales. Just as we can't survive without a steady stream of blood flowing through our veins, your online business will fail without a steady stream of traffic. Even if you have the greatest written sales letter in the world, without targeted traffic you simply would not convert.
It's Impossible to Make a Living Online Without a Steady Stream of Quality Targeted Traffic!
It may also interest you to know that people who come from search engines are self-motivated, so they are best buyers. According to statistics for the first 6 months of this year, visitors from search engines buy 3.5 times more often than visitors from sites, and 2.2 times more often than visitors from paid ads and bookmarks.
That's why over 94% of the online marketers and affiliates who started out this year trying to earn a living online are failing miserably... they just don't have enough traffic!. I want you to know that as more people flock to the internet to try and make money online, the ones making the REAL money own the web traffic.
Now having your website listed on the 1st page of google gives you 'FREE' targeted online traffic 24/7 compared to other paid online adverts like classified google ads, Pay Per Click etc. It also gives you an edge compared to the more expensive methods of electronic/print media adverts which has lesser untargeted coverage area.
Just this week I had an encounter with a prospective customer that got my contact online, this contact came from a distance of over 20km just to patronise me. I am very sure that there are several of our competitors within his locality that he must have knowingly or unknowingly passedby. A similar experience happened a few years ago when a contact came all the way from Kano state to Lagos (a distance of over 500km) just to attend one of my trainings
Now let me ask you a question “why do you think this happened? and why is it that most businesses do not survive past their 1st year of operation”? Personally outside other known factors, I believe that one of the most important reason is that most businesses Lack “adequate patronage” ie “No Targeted Traffic - No Sales, No Sales - No Money, No Money - No Business and No Business the business closes down”. I want you to know that your website will be dead in no time unless you attract targeted visitors who want to buy what you're selling.

Subject: SEO tactics to get 1st page ranking in major search engines
Learn My Jealously Guarded Secrets To Generate More Targeted Traffic to Your Website In Order To Make More Money
891,740 - Alexa ranking as 24/3/2010
Let me quickly show you how I have been able to attract Targeted Traffic to improve earnings
Search word : - money making business opportunities in Nigeria as at 24/3/2010
Discount of N2,000 If you register before 4pm TODAY
or you are the 1st person to register ie you pay N18,000 instead of N20,000 the same applies to the 1st lady to make payment just to celebrate the website pre-launch
Note: If you fail to read every sentence of this report, you have a 90% chance of never being able to make more money with your website. Before you begin, if you're NOT 100% serious about getting your website to the top of Google and the other major search engines, DO NOT read another word. Only read on if you plan to put into action, everything that you will be taught at the seminar.
There are 2 scenarios. Which would you rather have?
No quality content (SEO Skill) = No Targeted Traffic = No Money
Lots Of Quality Content = Lots Of Targeted Traffic = Lots Of Money :-)
Consistent Traffic = Consistent Cash
So, How Often Do You Find Yourself Saying: "I Wish I Knew How To Generate More Traffic In Order To Make More Sales". NOW is your good opportunity to find out.
I want you to know that if your business does not attract online traffic you have no business being in business in the first place. Let me quickly share the experience I had this morning with you, a gentleman I do not know from Adam called me with a business proposal worth half a million Naira and when I asked him how he got my contact, your guess is as good as mine... online via one of my websites Just Imagine How Much Sales You Can Make In Few Days.
Why your website is NOT making money online
Bluntly... you're not getting the traffic you should be getting as you're probably too busy using outdated techniques that worked perfectly, back in the year 2000.
The problem is, most people waste valuable time and money trying these techniques, competing in crowded spaces, using traffic methods that are getting very difficult to work with.
Can you recall doing endless hours of work, day and night and not getting the desired results, promised? You spend days and weeks on hand doing the 'work' and in the end, nothing to show for it.
Then you try some more and still nothing happens. You begin to enter an endless cycle of working more and more and begin to suffer as a result. It really doesn't need to be that way.
See some of my pictures with TV personalities on live TV programmes
Olayinka Abiodun on a live discussion TV programme on I.T empowerment with Gboyega Akosile (TVC)

From my many years of hosting websites for several Nigerians, I observed that most Nigerians do not renew their website(s) after the mandatory initial 1st year payment. Why? because they did not make adequate money in their 1st year of online operation nor do not know how to get traffic of potential prospects that would eventually turn to sale.
If you're like the many Nigerians out there that probably created a brand new website, Submitted it to a few search engines or none and hoped that people would mysteriously show up at your site and buy whatever it is you are selling. Sorry to say, you're loosing a lot of potential prospects that can easily be turned into repeat customers.
After many trials and errors you are probably frustrated and probably give up and decide to either build another website around a different target market or just lose all hope and quit. Well, news flash, as you've probably figured out by now, this is not the way to go about doing things. One of the ways to getting it right is to make an informed decision by seeking expert(s) to guide you through your trial and error approach.
Perhaps you hastily make a decision that why so I need to "Stress" myself with learning this skill and you probably think I would get a consultant to do this for me. Good, if you are going to hire someone to do your SEO work for you, you better know a whole lot more or you could suffer far worse than you ever would trying to do SEO work yourself... even without any real experience. Even if you hire an SEO Professional to promote your site, if they do anything that the search engines decide is unethical, your site will be banned and you will have no recourse, legal or otherwise to get it back in. Notwithstanding I may still suggest that if truly you cannot do it yourself then outsource it

Secret Location Under the Rock in Lagos
Because of the exclusivity of the seminar, location would ONLY be revealed to paid participants 1 to 2 days to seminar date
Friday 1st February and Saturday 2nd February 2019
This group seminar runs only once a year
Registration Closes 31st January 2019
10am Prompt to 3pm daily
It is either you make money with these information or I will personally refund back your seminar fee, apologise to you for wasting your time.
I will also tell my driver to personally take you back home and tell my accountant to give you back your one month's salary as your personal inconveniences allowance for coming.
I am not yet done, if you are not completely satisfied with what I offer you within 30 days of practising what your learnt at the seminar, kindly ask for a no question asked refund.
Please note, not in the history of seminars have a 30 day money back guarantee been given in Nigeria. I must be honest with you neither have I given more than few days money back guarantee before on any of my seminars. But because I am sure your will profit from this seminar I am giving a 30 day money back guarantee
I can guarantee you that you will know more than 99% of all webmaster's online. You will know how to completely smoke your competitors in the search engine war and you will be virtually GUARANTEED success if you follow all of the advice taught in this seminar.
Don't be that 99% of webmasters or careless website owner that are too lazy to actually do anything with what they learn. I want you to get out there and start dominating those search engines!
Your investment in this seminar is RISK FREE!
You Are insured By Olayinka Abiodun's No Bull, No Questions Asked, No Quibble, No Beef
NO RISK, Iron Clad, 100% Money Back Guarantee
Wait a minute, I am not done yet I am going to spoil you a little and give you irrestible offers that will make you do break dance and make you go ga ga
Please note:
You can only benefit from these super bonuses if you are one of the lucky 20 that take action RIGHT AWAY!
Olayinka Abiodun on a live discussion TV programme on I.T empowerment with Seun Davies (TVC)
Let me quickly show you some of my past earnings as a result of targeted traffic to our websites
These are just some of my many transactions
So kini big deal, how does this translate to money?
See Proofs below
Pictures with some of my past seminar participants
Olayinka Abiodun with some of the participants on the 1st day of his seminar
Mr. Olayinka Abiodun with some of the past participants of our internet wealth secret seminar
Olayinka Abiodun sharing his 'jealously guarded secrets' on the 1st day of his seminar
Olayinka Abiodun with some of the participants on the 2nd day of his seminar
Mr. Olayinka Abiodun (centre in cap) with some of the past participants of our professional website design course seminar on Saturday 5/3/05
Some Testimonials of Participants
Hear what some of the testimonials of the past participants of the just concluded Report Me to the Police Seminar had to say about my teaching at the seminar.
"Attending this seminar has seriously motivated me to create a product(s) with mass market appeal" Mr. B Chimezie
"The seminar has been a preparatory and empowerment tool to build a long lasting and viable business". Mrs. Funmi Adebusuyi
"I learnt how a good and captivating sales letter can be written and used". Mrs. Florence Oduronbi
"The seminar was OK and inspirational" Mr. Muyiwa Fashina
But you may ask why am I showing you this much of myself, am I just bragging or trying to show off? Absolutely not, it is basically because I want to reveal your own hidden wealth to you just as I have personally discovered mine and most probably be the one that will be the answer(s) to your prayers.
You see I have a simple concept, helping people to improve their lives with the power of the Internet. This tested and proven methods have worked for me over the years and I believe it would work for you.
When you attend this straight to the point seminar you will be taught how you too can genuinely make amazing legitimate income on the internet.
So... how do the search engines rank websites anyway?
That's the million dollar question. Google, Yahoo, and MSN don't have a thousand employees sitting by their PCs, surfing the web and manually ranking websites based upon their personal preference. Most of us already know that... But, what most don't know is exactly what the 3 major search engines (Google, Yahoo, and MSN) are actually looking for when determining where sites will rank.
Without going into extreme detail, I'll summarize the 3 major points you MUST know to rank highly for your chosen keywords.

Google pays much less attention to what is actually on your web page itself than what most people think. Yes, you heard me right. You don't actually even need to mention your keyword anywhere on your website to rank highly for the keyword!
Google looks at who's "voting" for a website, to determine how highly it ranks. If important sites are "voting" for your website, you will rank highly.
Google ranks websites by those that are deemed to have the most authority on the given topic/keyword.
You must know EXACTLY why the top 10 ranked sites in Google are currently ranked where they are. You can't guess by simply looking at their web page itself.
As I said above, what is on the web page itself has VERY little to do with the reason they're ranked where they are. It has as little as 2% to do with their ranking...
Once you know, and can pinpoint on each of those 3 points mentioned above, I'll go as far as saying that you can rank in the top 1-5 for ANY keyword you choose. Sure, some keywords will be more competitive than others, but as long as you're not blindly "hoping and wishing", and actually doing what is necessary to increase your rankings, you can achieve a top ranking for any keyword you want, period!
Today, I want to give you the opportunity to try out the search engine optimization tool that single handedly has allowed me and literally tens of thousands of others to get top Google rankings.
In this seminar, you will learn :
Get a glance at exactly why the top ranked websites are currently ranked where they are.
Learn what changes you need to make to your website in order to outrank your competition, getting you a #1 search engine ranking.
You'll be able to legally and ethically see things about your competition that, until now, only Google knows! You can then take those things and improve upon them to outrank your competition!
The secret tool that tens of thousands of the top ranked Google sites have been quietly using for years
How to attract targeted prospects to your website via google adword.
How to make FREE classified ads in major Nigerian newspapers websites
You'll learn extremely intimate details about your competition and why they're ranking highly. Things that are critically important to know, to outrank tham. You'll instantly see things like who's linking to them, why they're link to them. Are they buying links, trading links, or both? Plus much more!
What Everybody Should Know... About How To Generate More Traffic In Order To Make More Money
And much more!
Just because of this seminar, my competitors have practically been begging me not to let out this secret information that we have been using to make money in our businesses. But against ALL ODDs I am hell bent to let out these Jealously guarded information ALL BECAUSE OF YOU.
I am sure you be asking what am I going to pay for all these? But wait a minute what do you think is reasonable to pay?
Considering that most local Search Enigine Optimization (SEO) companies charge N35,000 per month just to drive momentary traffic to your website and equally charge about the same amount for a similar training session. That I would be giving you materials worth over N50,000, I am sure you will be expecting me to charge N50,000? No I won't charge that much
Do you think it should be N85,000? I think that will be too much for some
How about N50,000? That should be okay but I get to receive emails asking me for a much lower fee
Okay... What about N25,000? Afterall, that is what some people are charging out there and they don't even make half of the money I make.
N25,000 seems okay. But I will still come down for you.
N20,000? Nope...
N18,000? Nope...
Seems I'm going ga ga !!!
Alright. Alright.. Alright... N15,000 is the price. But absolutely NOT!
You will have to pay only N10,000 (Introductory Fee) if you register immediately. After 20 people secure their seats, the price will shoot to N25,000
So there you are. With just N10,000 I will show you my closely guarded secret that could make you/your business a millionaire by the end of the year. You will also be getting all the tools needed to build your own business but you must hurry before I wake up from this temporary madness.
Are you excited? Don't be yet as I'm about to shock you...
Olayinka Abiodun also founded an investment club named "E-wealth Investment Club" which has over 50 members spread across Nigeria within a span of 1 year it was founded.
Before this club closed 2007, it helped everyday people including its members get the unique financial benefits of online investments which ordinarily they may not be able to achieve working on their own. Thereby spreading internet wealth through collective efforts. Members were able to make capital appreciation of between 150% - 300% on sum invested over a period of 3 months - 1 year. Click here for more details
Take hold of this opportunity to change your financial destiny. Anywhere you go everyone needs this vital information that I would be unvailing, even if you have no business idea you can get 1 or 2 money making business idea(s). By attending this seminar you risk nothing but have everything to gain.
If you too strongly desire to make real good money within a short time with the aid of the internet, with less stress, risk and without trial by error and you gradually intent to build your wealth then you must attend this seminar. It is everything (except God) you need to make money, save money, start a business, expand a business, earn foreign exchange etc.
Please do note that, it is with much struggles that this loads of information could be made available to you. Up until now, this has been a secretly guarded internet money making secrets that I have been secretly using to chunk in loads of money and with much struggles within and without I finally had to succumb to releasing it believing what Rev. Sam Adeyemi said that "the best way to keep what you have is to give it out". Remember "Givers Never Lack".
Also, do note that the information I would be revealing has painstakingly consumed time and money in fact finding research picking the best materials from the billions of internet resources.
I Want You To Know That Making More Sales Is No Accident. Come, Let Me Show You The Truth About How To Generate More Traffic In Order To Make More Money
If You’re Really Serious About Wanting To Make More Sales This Year With My Jealously Guarded Secrets then DON”T MISS THIS SEMINAR... With Your Money Back Guarantee!
If you want to be relevant in today's business age. Cancel or postpone every pre-planned appointments, even your own ceremony to attend this training.
You have no justifiable reason(s) whatsoever to miss this training seminar. It will surely amaze you and make you forget all the other irrelevant seminars (whether online or offline) that you are planning to attend or that you have attended.
PS I want you to know that targeted traffic is more authoritative, less expensive and last longer online than paid classified google adverts.
PPS Take responsibility for your finance or take orders all your life. You're either a master of money or a slave of it. Robert Kiyosaki
PPPS Remember every success in life is traceable to a discovered secret Pastor Femi Emmanuel
PPPPS You will be having access to my business experiencial wisdom which spans over 18 years.
PPPPPS Just in case you are not directly in need of this training for now, you can introduce anyone you know to the site and you would have been a blessing to someone. If the information shared on this site could be of help to someone you know, please refer them.
PPPPPPS After attending this seminar you will surely personally credit and thank me for making these vital information available to you.
PPPPPS Now, who else wants to be a millionaire?
PPPPPPPS Please don't attend this seminar if you're looking for another "get rich quick" scheme. That's not what I am all about. We are about helping you. Holding your hand and guiding you step by step to online success. Make your payment now!
The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation PLS READ
With some members of our defunct e-wealth investment club during the Christmas meeting held at the Lagos Travel Inn on 16/12/2006
Now You Too Can Get More Traffic Than You Know What To Do With
It's Time For You To Hand In Your Resignation Letter At Work and Make the Money That Have Been Waiting for You. Be Your Our Boss Today!
Enquiries? Call: 08088340051, 08097015999 (9am-6pm) Serious enquiries only, No Q & A session
Buy/Sell your Perfect Money in Lagos, Nigeria @
Olayinka Abiodun Copyright protected. 2019
Share this page on your social media or E-mail this Page to your friends
And another over N1.2 million cool cash of sales in 2-3 other days

I want you to know not too many Nigerians can reveal their jealously guarded traffic secrets with such vital information on the internet, most people would rather be quiet about it while others prefer to "eat and clean mouth" or "to eat alone".
Whereas some others have never really had such traffic generation/online money making experience before, they only say it but cannot show it. Infact, I suggest you do not attend any other seminar that cannot show you proof(s) that they have made this much sales. For me to reveal this much tells you much more than what words can say to you.
How do I make such money you may ask?
The first thing you need is the interest and the ability to ASK (Always Seeking Knowledge). Basically most of the monies were made through my e-currency trading activities, how you may ask? Because we have lots of online presence via which lots of Nigerians were able to search us out and patronise us. I want you to know that a lot of your would be customers are searching for your product/service right now without patronising you rather them are patronising your competitors just because you do not attract traffic to your website. I believe that for you to be reading this at this time you are a seeker of knowledge, what now remains for you is to make a good decision and take action to attend this seminar.
Am I qualified to attend?
As long as you can read and write then you are qualified to attend this seminar and make money via the information I would be showing you. Anybody who can send and receive emails. Anybody who can browse the internet can acquire these money making traffic generation skills that I would be showing you, provided you are determined to succeed, provided that you will take action with the information you learnt after the seminar.
Perhaps you are wondering who is Olayinka Abiodun and why is he revealing his jealously guarded secrets. He is not "afraid"?. You see it pains me to see around me able bodied people just wasting away every without any hope for the future, this really baffles me why people are suffering so much in the midst of plenty. You will agree with me examples abound in almost every sector in our country.
For over 20 years, helping people has always been a part of me so much so that I have personally mentored over 500 people and collectively trained over 5,000 people across the country also I have trained many successful trainers via my weekly radio and television programmes and moreso via my "No hold barred seminars" that is greatly admired by my followers. I have also built up a reputation for over-delivering and undercharging my loyal customers and they will attest to that.
May you do not really understand all I am saying, perhaps you really can't operate a computer not to talk of building a webpage and you are ashamed to even say it, not to worry I can give you a few days training to get you started. Probably you cannot even design a simple webpage, I want you to know that for over the last 6 years I have demystified website design training via my various seminars even my 9 year old kid can design a website Click here for more details
Search word : - Buy liberty reserve in Nigeria as at 24/3/2010
Search word : - 1st position on search keyword Buy liberty reserve in Nigeria as at 13/5/2010
Olayinka Abiodun on a live discussion TV programme on I.T empowerment with Nonye Osi (MITV) 24/1/2005
During launching of my book titled "How to make amazing income with your email addresses" in December 2005
WARNING: Seats at this exclusive seminar are extremely limited, so don’t leave this page until you reserve your spot. Within 24 hours of going live ONLY VERY FEW Seats are available and once that space is up NO MORE.
Rush now to make your payment at any branch of our bank (To be given).
Account name: To be given on request
Account no. : To be given on request
Please send SMS with your Name, Email, GSM No, Code: “3in1 Seminar” + Date you are making payment to telephone no 08097015999 thereafter our bank payment details would be sent to you.
Please send email/sms after payment to the bank stating: Name, Address, Amount paid, Teller no. incl. branch, Date of payment, Telephone no. and ALL necessary information you think will assist us. Send email to
My dear friend, please note this is not a get rich quick seminar, this is an opportunity to empower you with all the information, tools, resources, skills, ideas and money making opportunities needed to make you a millionaire.
As you are very aware THIS IS THE INFORMATION AGE, the information you have/know is big money. Ignorance is not an excuse, the correct application of the information/education you have is power. "Without adequate knowledge/information you are CONDEMNED to poverty". Don't forget IDEAS RULE THE WORLD. Also always remember God in your business. Remember to "Work and Pray" always, this is the key to success in life.
Olayinka Abiodun is also the co-author of the mini book, "How To Make Amazing Income with Your Email Addresses". The copies of which still sells till today and as so far made over N100,000 in sales!

Great New Discovery Helps You Generate More Traffic In Order To Make More Money
Practical Seminar and Discover How To Get Your Website Listed In Google Under 24hours - Guaranteed?
How about making an extra over N1.6 million cool cash of sales after another 2-3days
It's A Shame Not To Generate More Targeted Traffic To Your Website In Order To Make More Money -- When These People Do It So Easily
Early Bird Bonus